Sorting algorithms in java

If you want to practice data structure and algorithm programs, you can go through 100+ java coding interview questions.

In this post, we will see about Sorting algorithms in java.

A Sorting algorithm is an algorithm which puts collection of elements in specific order.
For example:
You want to sort list of numbers into ascending order or list of names into lexicographical order.

There are lots of questions being asked on sorting algorithms about its implementation, time complexity in data structure and algorithms interviews.It is very essential to understand pros and cons for all sorting algorithm before you go for algorithm interview.

I have covered almost all the sorting algorithm in other posts. This is index posts for all sorting algorithms.

Java Sorting Algorithms

Here is list of Sorting algorithms.

1. Bubble sort

Implementation of bubble sort
Time Complexity:
Best case: O(n)
Average case: O(n^2)
Worst case: O(n^2)

2. Insertion sort

Implementation of Insertion sort
Time Complexity:
Best case: O(n)
Average case: O(n^2)
Worst case: O(n^2)

3. Selection sort

Implementation of Selection Sort

Time Complexity:
Best case : O(N^2)
Average case : O(N^2)
Worst case : O(N^2)

4. Heap sort

Implementation of Heap Sort

Time Complexity:
Best case : O(nlogn)
Average case : O(nlogn)
Worst case : O(nlogn)

5. Quick Sort

Implementation of Quick Sort

Time Complexity:
Best case : O(nlogn)
Average case : O(nlogn)
Worst case : O(n^2)

6. Merge sort

Implementation of Merge Sort

Time Complexity:
Best case : O(nlogn)
Average case : O(nlogn)
Worst case : O(nlogn)

7. Shell Sort

Implementation of Shell sort

Time Complexity:
Best case : O(nlogn)
Average case : O(n(logn)^2)
Worst case : O(n(logn)^2)

8. Counting Sort

Implementation of Counting Sort

Time Complexity:
Best case : O(n+k)
Average case : O(n+k)
Worst case : O(n+k)

9. Bucket Sort

Time Complexity:
Best case : O(n+k)
Average case : O(n+k)
Worst case : O(n^2)

10. Radix sort

Time Complexity:
Best case : O(nk)
Average case : O(nk)
Worst case : O(nk)

Github Source code:

That’s all about Sorting algorithms in java.

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