JAX-WS webservice deployment on tomcat

In previous post,we have seen how to develop JAX-WS web service end point and client.In this post,we will see how we can deploy web service end point to application server.

Web service Tutorial Content:

Here we will use tomcat as application server.

1) Open eclipse.
2) Create new dynamic web project named “HelloWorldWS”
3) Create new package named “org.arpit.javapostsforlearning.webservice”

4) Create JAXWSService Interface.

5)Create JAXWSService implementation class.

6) Now , you need generate Web Services classes, open your command line, and type :

Now we will have two class generated under src/org/arpit/javapostsforlearning/webservice/jaxws

7)Now you need to create web.xml and put it under /HelloWorldWS/WebContent/WEB-INF/
we have inserted three things here 1.listner-class 2.servlet 3.servlet-mapping
8) Now we will add sun-jaxws.xml under HelloWorldWS/WebContent/WEB-INF/.It will have endpoint definition.

9) We need to download some jaxws jars and put jars under /HelloWorldWS/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib.
click to begin
5.93MB .zip
10) Now export your project as war and put it under your Tomcat webapps folder.
11) If you have target runtime as none then you can refer configure Apache Tomcat in Eclipse IDE.
then Run tomcat

12) Click this URL http://localhost:8080/HelloWorldWS/HelloWorldWS

If You see web service information page then you are done.

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  1. I am unable to get step 6 to execute successfully. Arpit, could you kindly review this step and provide more details.

  2. I do not think step 6 is required ? I'm able to build, deploy and run my JAX-WS service following the above steps but without step 6.

  3. Hi Arpit,

    Thanks for the good post.
    I have one query , I am able to access the wsdl file locally , when i try to access from some other machine in same netwrok , I am not able to accesss it


    1. Sorry if step 6 in my post is not clear.You can do following,
      1) open command prompt.Go to your eclipse workspace(For example: cd E:/arpit/workspace)
      2) then go to project(For example if project name is jaxws then “cd jaxws”)
      3) paste following “wsgen -s src -d build/classes -cp build/classes org.arpit.javapostsforlearning.webservice.HelloWorldImpl” then enter

  4. Hi Arpit
    I am facing problem while executing Step 6 – directory not found.
    Below are the out put messages i got.

    F:\WEBSERVICE\HelloWorldWS\src>wsgen -s src -d build/classes -cp build/classes o
    directory not found: src

  5. Hi Arpit,

    i have followed all the above steps. but i am unable to get the output shown in step 12.
    i am getting 404 error. can you help me out

  6. Fantastic Tutorial DUde Hats OFF to you 😀 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    awesommme tutorial dude……hatsoff to you 🙂

  7. nice tutorial if i change the url pattern to / or /* its not calling the welcome file , what are the steps need to be followed to change the url mapping from/test/ to / or (/*)

  8. Hi arpit,

    This is Sreekanth.
    I am unable to get step 6 to execute successfully. would you kindly review this step and provide more details.
    I have checked the comments also, but i am not getting it to be solved. Please help me. I am getting the error like.

    i am getting directorynotfound : src.

    1. Sorry if step 6 in my post is not clear.You can do following,
      1) open command prompt.Go to your eclipse workspace(For example: cd E:/arpit/workspace)
      2) then go to project(For example if project name is jaxws then “cd jaxws”)
      3) paste following “wsgen -s src -d build/classes -cp build/classes org.arpit.javapostsforlearning.webservice.HelloWorldImpl” then enter

      1. Hi Arpit,
        Good Morning. Thanks for the reply. You are awesome Arpit. That is working absolutely perfectly.
        Thanks bro. Your tutorial is awesome and crystal clear.

  9. I go the error when I run it. look like there are some missing jar files.

    Sep 29, 2013 9:53:16 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployWAR
    INFO: Deploying web application archive HelloWorldWS.war
    Sep 29, 2013 9:53:16 AM com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.servlet.WSServletContextLi
    stener contextInitialized
    INFO: WSSERVLET12: JAX-WS context listener initializing
    Sep 29, 2013 9:53:16 AM com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.servlet.WSServletContextLi
    stener contextInitialized
    SEVERE: WSSERVLET11: failed to parse runtime descriptor: java.lang.NoClassDefFou
    ndError: com/sun/xml/stream/buffer/XMLStreamBuffer

  10. Nice demo. Only a comment to prevent other people from wasting time as I have wasted. I downloaded the last Metro build (metro-standalone-2.3) from the Metro project page, not from the link you provide in the step 9 of the tutorial. This build includes in its lib directory two jar files: databinding\jaxws-eclipselink-plugin.jar and databinding\sdo-eclipselink-plugin.jar. Don’t add that jars to the project classpath. If you do so, you’ll get the following error: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper.SDOHelperContext.
    Moreover, I don’t need step 6.

  11. Step 2 – Create new web project… I have eclipse EE version, but there is no “web project” (there is only “dynamic web project”…) How get this “web project” ?

  12. HTTP Status 404 – /HelloWorldWS/HelloWorldWS

    type Status report

    message /HelloWorldWS/HelloWorldWS

    description The requested resource is not available.

    Apache Tomcat/7.0.55

    I am getting this error..can you help me?

  13. Hi,

    To make this complete webservice,you need the following jar.


    1. I copied the following jar files into WEB-INF/lib and tried to start Tomcat. I got the error: Server Tomcat v7.0 Server at localhost failed to start.

      Could you please give me some suggestions?


  14. I see the “Web Services” page OK in Step 12. How do you make a request to the service? So that you can get the output “Hello world from [name]”?

    1. Never mind. I had to write a jax-ws client using a proxy and taking advantage of the service's WSDL URL. I could do this either with the “wsimport” command or using Eclipse's New Web Service Client context menu.

  15. Hello, your tutor is nice and clear, but it is out of date. If you refresh it, it would be great.

  16. Hi Arpit, thank you very much for your simple tutorials.

    can you please help me on java SOAP code for:
    request parameters: name, class, rollnumber
    reply parameters: total marks in subjects like: english, math, science

  17. Hi !

    Thank you for all those tutos ! they're really nice.

    I have a difficulty in the end of this one.
    I run tomcat with startup.bat after having pastin the war file into the webapps folder but, when I try to work with the adress you wrote, I have a 404 error.

    Could you please precise the step 9 ? which file do we need to import in lib folder ?

    Thanks !

  18. JAX-WS webservice deployment on tomcat lesson is too poor with respect to other excellent tutorials. Please edit this tutorial. In step 9, assignment link is broken also.

  19. Hi Arpit:

    I have problem running this program.
    What jars do we need to add into WEB-INF/lib? The 'attachment' is not active.

    Please explain a little more on how to run this program in Tomcat.


  20. I copied the following jar files into WEB-INF/lib and tried to start Tomcat. I got the error: Server Tomcat v7.0 Server at localhost failed to start.

    Could you please give me some suggestions?


  21. Hi Arpit:

    I got the WebService to work with the jars listed below.


  22. Hi,
    thanks for you're work, i've “googled” so many times and what you are doing here is the most helplful i've ever found !

    just a little error (uppercase) :
    wsgen -s src -d build/classes -cp build/classes org.arpit.javapostsforlearning.webservice.HelloworldImpl
    to change so:
    wsgen -s src -d build/classes -cp build/classes org.arpit.javapostsforlearning.webservice.HelloWorldImpl

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